2017 Cadillac XT5
AutoGraph Oct 26, 2015


Use: Media professionals demanding top-quality automotive content for their print products and/or Web sites. Professional artwork, editing.

What it is: Weekly automotive infographics that inform, enlighten and delight readers. Our high-impact infographics add visual appeal and variety to your auto-section pages. Wheelbase’s designers are some of the best in the business with numerous awards for dynamic newsgraphics and page design. AutoGraph will show your readers, with engaging visual style, what they want and need to know about their automobiles as well as today’s trends. These professional, useful and intelligent graphics will help raise the profile of your auto section.

Product specifications

  • Designed by Wheelbase Media’s editorial staff using Macromedia Freehand (for backward compatibility for most  systems) as well as Adobe Photoshop.
  • Mac or PC use.
  • Files included in your download: native Freehand file; Freehand EPS file (which is how to edit the AutoGraph with Adobe Illustrator) and a 300 dpi CMYK low-compression jpg file.
  • Print size: 8 inches wide, 6 inches tall, scalable about 10 percent up or down.
  • AutoGraph uses typical system fonts for compatibility.

Please contact us to order this feature.

VW broke the law but
there are far worse bad guys
Oct 26, 2015


Don’t wait for stories to appear in the store when you can become a member of Wheelbase Media’s weekly news service and save more than 50 percent while gaining instant access to the new features as they’re produced. Click here to get started.

If you are not a member of the media, but still wish to check out some of our stories online, visit www.theoctanelounge.com, which is owned by Wheelbase Media.

What is Auto Edit?

Welcome to AutoEdit, a new and slightly more irreverent weekly feature from Wheelbase Media.
Rather than your pages being a collection of random auto stories, the AutoEdit feature is intended to be the glue that holds it all together. Just as your editorial page is intended to be the pulse of your newspaper, Auto Edit can also be the pulse of your auto pages.

Auto edit runs 500-550 words and is all about your readers becoming more familiar with our key staff members via their personal views on the automotive world. Of all 18 of our weekly features, AutoEdit is the only one intended to provide weekly commentary. Journalistically speaking, this is just common sense since such commentary does not belong in our other news-type features.

Whether your readers agree or disagree with what’s written, they’ll know exactly how the writers of AutoEdit stand on their chosen topics. And, quite frankly, a little spirited debate is a healthy thing and that seems to be missing from more and more newspapers these days. AutoEdit is all about soul, getting back to the basics of solid content and showing readers that there are real people behind the nine-point typeface.

Story Intro

From past columns, you’ll recall that I’m a big fan of diesel power.
In fact I recently wrapped up a review of the new Mercedes-Benz GLE that was equipped with the “M” sport package and the company’s six-cylinder turbo-diesel. I loved it. Great economy and an abundance of effortless power. And it doesn’t matter to me about the Volkswagen/Audi scandal, I would still plunk down money for a diesel. Whether it would be a VW diesel, I’m not sure.

Please contact us to order this feature.

Fine Lines: The original Jeep
FineLines Oct 26, 2015


Don’t wait for stories to appear in the store when you can become a member of Wheelbase Media’s weekly news service and save more than 50 percent while gaining instant access to the new features as they’re produced. Click here to get started.

If you are not a member of the media, but still wish to check out some of our stories online, visit www.theoctanelounge.com, which is owned by Wheelbase Media.
Use: Media professionals demanding top-quality automotive content for their print products and/or Web sites. Professional artwork, editing.

What it is: Many of you asked if we could put our expertise to work to create a feature that covers not just classic cars, but those vehicles that have left an indelible mark on car culture. The Fine Lines series examines significant vehicle marques, their backgrounds and their contributions to the history of the automobile. All this, with real artwork.

Product specifications

  • Mac and PC page layout with accompanying text and
    art files for maximum work flexibility.
  • About 850 words: separate text file included.
  • Layout is 8×21.5 inches (newspaper), but can be
    reconfigured by your designer to fit most spaces.
  • PDF of layout included.
  • High-resolution artwork suitable for print.
  • Includes Photoshop layers file of main art.
  • Multi-platform page layout opens with either Quark
    Xpress or Adobe Indesign.
  • Fonts are not included, but we attempt to stay with
    standard system fonts. If not, just change the fonts to
    match your style.


Sure, the Jeep Wrangler design seems a bit, ahem, rustic, but that’s a major part of the appeal. It’s just plain cool to drive or be seen in, even if their owners have no clue about the history and why looks and drives the way it does.
The original Jeep was certainly not designed as a status vehicle for the high school or college set, nor was it geared for recreational or sporting use by millions of outdoors types, or anyone else with an urge to venture off the main roads for some fun and frolic.

Please contact us to order this feature.

The new collectibles?
The Octane Lounge Oct 26, 2015


Don’t wait for stories to appear in the store when you can become a member of Wheelbase Media’s weekly news service and save more than 50 percent while gaining instant access to the new features as they’re produced. Click here to get started.

If you are not a member of the media, but still wish to read this and other feature stories from Wheelbase Media, visit www.theoctanelounge.com to subscribe to Auto Shift Weekly newsmag, available for your Apple iPad or for your home PC or laptop in pdf format.


With apologies to The Vapors . . . “Turning Japanese, I’m really turning Japanese, I really think so . . .”
During the last weekend of January, hundreds of thousands of classic and vintage-car enthusiasts will descend on the Valley of the Sun for a series of auctions from Barrett-Jackson, RM/Sotheby’s, Russo and Steele, Gooding, Bonhams and Silver.

Please contact us to order this feature.

Mazda CX-7: 2007-’12
Oct 26, 2015


Don’t wait for stories to appear in the store when you can become a member of Wheelbase Media’s weekly news service and save more than 50 percent while gaining instant access to the new features as they’re produced. Click here to get started.

If you are not a member of the media, but still wish to check out some of our stories online, visit www.theoctanelounge.com, which is owned by Wheelbase Media.


The CX-7 was an eye-popping package when it arrived on the scene and people generally gushed over it. The windshield was raked at a wind-cheating 66 degrees and its bulging front fenders made for a powerful presence. Equipped with optional four-wheel-drive, the CX-7 could also handle difficult terrain and road conditions with ease. The interior provided plenty of up-front comfort with supportive seats and nicely trimmed fittings. The 2.3 turbo engine offered plenty of performance, but the 2.5 that was the base engine in 2010-’12 models is a good pick if fuel bills are a concern.

 Please contact us to order this feature.

Profiles, Paul Newman
Oct 19, 2015


Don’t wait for stories to appear in the store when you can become a member of Wheelbase Media’s weekly news service and save more than 50 percent while gaining instant access to the new features as they’re produced. Click here to get started.

If you are not a member of the media, but still wish to check out some of our stories online, visit www.theoctanelounge.com, which is owned by Wheelbase Media.Use: Media professionals demanding top-quality automotive content for print/Web.Professional artwork, editing. What it is: Cars are nothing without the people who create them and those who own, collect and preserve them. Profiles is designed to bring prominent, interesting car people to your readers’ attention. Fun, informative and masterfully designed, like most Wheelbase features, Profiles comes to you as a Quark Xpress/Adobe InDesign module that is completely editable for any space within your print pages or automotive Web site.

Product specifications

  • Mac and PC page layout with accompanying text and art files for maximum work flexibility.
  • High-resolution artwork suitable for print.
  • Includes Photoshop layers file of main art, where applicable.
  • Multi-platform page layout opens with either Quark Xpress or Adobe Indesign.
  • Layout is 8×21.5 inches (for newspaper use), with some depth variation from week to week, but can be reconfigured by your designer to fit most spaces.
  • PDF of layout included.
  • About 850 words: separate text file included.
  • Fonts are not included, but we attempt to stay with standard system fonts. If not, just change the fonts to match your style.


Those who knew him remember that he was always easy to spot in the garage. Shorter than expected. Movie star thin. Blue eyes searing the darkness of the garage. And always accessible.
Newman began racing after starring in “Winning”, a 1969 movie about Indy-style oval-track, open-wheel racing. He loved the taste of a race course and the smell of ethanol. He took to road racing on long tracks where he could use his skill on left and right turns.

Please contact us to order this feature.